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Memory Lane – Tim’s White Pine…..First Styling

Looking back….we can tell a tree’s story…..admire an image…..capture a moment…..remember a special event… inspired – to create a memory for tomorrow. 

I hope you enjoy this regular peep into some of John’s bonsai history.

Memory Lane – Tim’s White Pine…..First Styling
The first styling of this tree took place around 2006……and make no mistake this is a big, big tree! You will see in the pictures how Tim is almost dwarfed by it! The tree had arrived from Japan at the beginning of the year and had been acquired almost immediately by Tim.
The first decisions in the styling were unfortunately not the easy ones. A selection of branches had to be made and this meant that some fairly hefty branches would have to be removed. Generally the bigger the branch, the more tears I get from the student, and the longer it takes me to convince hime that it is the right thing to do, that this is the way forward. In the students eyes removing a large branch is like taking ten steps backwards. It seems a vast open space is something to be feared!
With this phase out of the way and several large branches in the bin it was a case of onwards and upwards……right to the top of the tree in fact. With the thinning out completed the tree could now be totally wired.
Once wired the tree could be styled. This involved bending downwards some seriously heavy branches with the aid of guy wires and turnbuckles. This made quite a transformation in the tree as a classic bonsai profile began to emerge.
This was quite a long one to one styling session but the finished product made it all worthwhile.
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