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Studio Stories – Taxus Cuspidata from the nursery (Part Two)

Sometimes I work on nursery trees, sometimes I work on client’s trees……and sometimes if I’ve been a really good boy I get to work on my own trees. Hopefully these regular visits will give you an insight into what goes on behind closed doors……….

Studio Stories – Taxus Cuspidata from the nursery (Part Two)

The first part of this story was published on the 5th August 2015 under the section Studio Stories. It detailed how the tree was acquired and the progress to date.

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Having dealt with the live veins and the deadwood it was now time to look at the foliage areas. Some heavy branches had to be removed basically because there were too many and some of them were growing in the wrong place!

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Even after the tree was wired I still had to remove some more branches. Sometimes it only becomes obvious which branches need to be removed once you start the styling and branch positioning process.

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Branches were spread out and eventually the shape of the canopy is formed. The first two pictures show two potential fronts for the tree.

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The first branch on the left has a prominent straight section near the trunk which needs to be dealt with.

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The branch looks much better for being more compact and hiding the straight section. The tree looks a bit scraggy but this is a definitive styling and the tree is strong with back budding and new shoots everywhere.

This tree has come a long way and maybe now he has a better chance of being sold and finding a new home. While ever he stays here we will just help him to get better …. and better …. and……