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Academy 2020 February 9th

The new Academy 2020 got off to a great start despite the weather’s best attempts to sabotage the event. Whilst some students unfortunately could not make it 19 managed to successfully brave the elements.

Each student arrived with the best and worst maple from their collection.

Working in groups they had to arrange the maples in the order of the tree’s development stage.

Each tree was then discussed in a lecture format to outline what work was now required to the tree this season to start taking it to it’s next level. This gave an insight into the complete development process as trees ranged from raw material to those nearing specimen level.

In the afternoon the groups undertook some practical work which involved potting up some field grown Trident maples into training pots.

It was a great start bringing together students at different levels of experience and ability where they can learn from each other without the constraints of their own bonsai collection.

They can relate to where they are in the hobby and with a little help from me and the group just how far each student and their trees can go in this wonderful pastime.