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Juniper Sergentii….Cleaning out the foliage

This was the tree in March 2006. The branches were so leggy with the foliage so far away from the trunk. I spent at least two seasons just growing new foliage to work with.
This was the tree last week. Last year he had been allowed to grow freely.
See how dense the canopy is now…..and how much tighter the foliage is compared with the first picture.
It’s a case now of removing the weaker foliage inside but keeping the strong growing tips.
There is a lot of good back budding inside. I need to get more light and air into the canopy.
Keeping the shape is not going to be easy because as you can see most of the branches have outgrown the wiring. I don’t want to add more wire because the existing wire will probably have to be removed before the end of this growing season.
Strong growing tips will be left untouched for the moment to maintain the tree’s strength and vigour.
For the benefit of my students…….as they call it……..”evidence”!!
Despite the problems of the inadequate wire and no pruning at the tips I am pleased with the finished image. This is still a nice tree to look at.

With more growth and then maybe another wiring next year I should be able to take this tree to his next level.