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Studio Stories – Yamadorii Larch

Sometimes I work on nursery trees, sometimes I work on client’s trees……and sometimes if I’ve been a really good boy I get to work on my own trees. Hopefully these regular visits will give you an insight into what goes on behind closed doors……….

Studio Stories – Yamadorii Larch

I acquired these two trees approximately 7/8 years ago as part of a batch of trees. I believe they originated from the Alps.

In 2007 they were transferred from large plant pots into these rectangular heavy duty plastic training pots. They were pruned on a regular basis and both had an initial styling some 4/5 years ago.

Last year they were allowed to grow freely with very little maintenance pruning.

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In February 2013 a branch selection was made and then the trees were totally wired. On larch number two a shari was introduced and work was carried out at the apex to try and lighten the top where the tree had been chopped down. it was a case of trying to give an illusion of taper.

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You can see why a shari on a larch needs to be wide or re-made each year because the callous it produces is so strong it can heal the shari completely.

Larch number one also needed some shari work to improve the trunk line and deal with a problem of slight inverse taper. The shari started previously would have to be extended.
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The front and planting angle of the tree is also changed slightly.



Letting the trees grow unchecked has given us a great result as there are plenty of fine branches to choose from and after the wiring the trees form will appear much more refined….. Not easy to really appreciate until the tree produces its lush green foliage in Spring.

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For the first time we are really seeing a difference in these two trees with obvious foliage clouds and spaces that should be much easier to refine further. You can see in the centre pictures just how well these trees have back budded and how dense the foliage clouds really are…..there are literally buds everywhere.

If these trees have not sold before spring next year they will be repotted into ceramic bonsai pots……….I am certainly not ordering the pots just yet!!!

1 comment
  1. Lew
    April 30, 2013 at 4:37 am

    There seems to be a lot of potential for these two trees. It looks like you’ve done some extensive wiring on them too. Just how long will they need to keep the wire on them before they will maintain their new form? You let them grow freely for a couple years in order to have something to work with. Kind of like letting your hair grow out for the barber. 🙂

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