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Studio Stories – A Tale of Three Junipers (Part Two)

Sometimes I work on nursery trees, sometimes I work on client’s trees……and sometimes if I’ve been a really good boy I get to work on my own trees. Hopefully these regular visits will give you an insight into what goes on behind closed doors……….

Studio Stories – A Tale of Three Junipers (Part Two)

Part one of this series was posted on 24th June 2013 and introduced the three similar Juniper Chinensis which had arrived in the studio for re-styling.

This post will deal with the styling of the second tree. IMG_1181

The main problem with this tree is the branch half way up the trunk to the front and right. It is too heavy and has very heavy side branches which are too long and only have foliage at the tips.

It was decided to remove this branch and make it into deadwood. To make it look more convincing and harmonise with the rest of the tree the deadwood was extended down the trunk by creating a shari.

IMG_1182 IMG_1183 IMG_1184

The shari did not only create additional interest and link with the new deadwood but it also enhanced and emphasised the movement and taper in the trunk. The shari actually works IMG_1185well from both sides and looks very natural. It was created by following the natural lines of the veins within the tree.

The problem now was the remaining live branches. They do not relate to the shape or style of the tree. The top area of the tree is far too bushy.

The remaining branches were thinned out and they were all wired. All the branches could now be repositioned in a style more befitting the new slim trunk and shari.

The tree was then repotted into a more appropriate pot. At this time the planting angle was IMG_1186altered to lift the tree slightly and make it appear even taller.

The squat unbecoming bush of a juniper has been replaced with a tall elegant almost literati styled bonsai with much character, presence and a suggestion of greater age.

Watch out for our next Studio Stories episode which will detail the styling of the third and final Juniper in this series.



1 comment
  1. Eddie
    July 15, 2013 at 1:40 pm

    Wow. I am hoping to try and create something that looks like that hopefuly.. Great job..

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