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Classroom Corner – Academy -Renovating old Deshojo Maple Forests

An open window into the comings and goings of students and their trees attending our regular weekend and midweek bonsai classes under the ever watchful eyes of John Hanby.

Classroom Corner – Renovating old Deshojo Maple Forests
Some old maple forests had lost some of the smaller trees and they needed repotting/renovating.
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This would be a good experience for one of my academy classes. It followed on nicely from the creation of the Juniper Loderii forest detailed in an earlier post and also provided another topic in the series on repotting.
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Each group had to be studied in detail to determine the best options available both aesthetically and commercially.
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Once a decision had been made the roots had to be combed out and where necessary selected clumps had to be removed from the existing groups.
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Planting arrangements, new fronts and new pots all had to be given serious consideration and the heights of the respective trees taken into account.
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This is a really pleasing outcome. I have some good saleable groups which should look stunning as the red foliage opens in spring. There was just one tree left all alone but with the movement in the trunk and some fresh growth this will soon make a really interesting solo bonsai……a job well done……watch out for some in leaf pictures………