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Studio Stories – Even a good tree sometimes needs a hard pruning.

Sometimes I work on nursery trees, sometimes I work on client’s trees……and sometimes if I’ve been a really good boy I get to work on my own trees. Hopefully these regular visits will give you an insight into what goes on behind closed doors……….

Studio Stories – Even a good tree sometimes needs a hard pruning.

The first two pictures show the tree in the process of being repotted in March 2010. He has come a long way since then with a new larger crown enhancing a more mature appearance.

The tree has grown well this last couple of years and now it is becoming too bushy. Some of the definition in the foliage clouds has been lost. There is some die back inside the tree and some of the inner branches are becoming leggy/weak due to a lack of adequate light.

There was nothing for it but to really get to grips with the tree by giving it a hard pruning back. Heavy outer branches were reduced, weak internal branches were removed and a large percentage of the foliage was also removed to rebalance the tree and allow more light to enter all areas.

The tree’s appearance following this work is now much more precise with a greater degree of uniformity throughout. Foliage clouds and spaces are much more clearly defined and in keeping with the overall image.

Once a tree has arrived and looks the part you can’t just sit back full of admiration… have to remain focused….. ready to intervene when required… keep the tree moving forwards…….otherwise you might just find he starts to slip backwards!

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