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Paul’s Grey Owl Juniper

March 2016 – A compact styling based on the branches available.
August 2017 – The tree has grown well and has lost its shape.
August 2017 – The wire has been removed and the dense foliage has been cleaned out.
November 2019 – The tree is in the process of being rewired.
November 2019 – Wiring completed the tree has been cleaned out and styled.
May 2022 – The tree has been allowed to grow freely and now looks much stronger and healthier. Much larger and more impressive now than in the original picture.
May 2022 – The tree after some pruning and cleaning out.
December 2023 – The tree after wiring and its recent styling with a change of front. A garden centre plant now looking more like an imported Japanese tree.

Sometimes it pays to just let your trees grow for a period. They not only become stronger and healthier but often provide you with a much better piece of raw material from which you can style a really good tree.