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Studio Stories – Pruning….. a Midweek workshop!

Sometimes I work on nursery trees, sometimes I work on client’s trees……and sometimes if I’ve been a really good boy I get to work on my own trees. Hopefully these regular visits will give you an insight into what goes on behind closed doors……….
Studio Stories – Pruning….. a Midweek workshop 

Interesting mix of material turned up at a recent midweek workshop and included the trees below. All of them required some autumn pruning!

The dwarf honeysuckle Lonicera had been allowed to grow freely and now required some definition. Extended shoots were selected and pruned back to a basic structure. This will now form the framework for next year’s growth and allow branches and foliage clouds to be developed. To a large degree this tree benefits from being treated almost like topiary.

The Cedar is developing really well and was pruned back in anticipation of wiring. This next wiring should really define this tree and show a good image.

The small half cascade Blue Carpet Juniper has a lovely intertwining live vein and shari. Once again it was lightened and pruned ready for wiring.

This small needle Pine is probably variety Zuisho. It stands now without wire and was pruned to refine its appearance. You can see how much was pruned out but this is almost like a “spot the difference puzzle”……can you see where it came from? Excellent tree!