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Repotting Service

One of my students has suggested I offer a repotting service as they are unable to repot their trees on classes this year. If there was sufficient interest in this it is something I would be prepared to do.

If you had any trees that you were uncomfortable about repotting yourself you could drop them off at the unit, leave them with me and then collect them when they were done.

You could supply the compost and a new pot if appropriate or purchase compost or a pot off me if required. Otherwise I would just charge for my time taken to carry out the repotting.

If you wanted the tree pruning at the same time again I would just charge for the time involved. You could always send me a picture in the first instance so that I could give you some idea of the likely costs involved.

If this is of interest to you please get in touch and then I can consider organising something as soon as possible.