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John’s Juniper – Now we can see the tree!

December 2021 – The existing wiring is inadequate and needs to be removed. For a shohin size tree the branches are too long in their present format.
September 2022 – Looking a good colour and ready for rewiring.
The tree viewed from the rear. You can see how strong it is but also how leggy the branches are.
November 2022 – The main branches are wired.
Just a bit of manipulation to the main branches and the tree is already looking more compact. Now for the wiring to the thinner branches.
What a difference! The foliage at last looks in proportion to the trunk and we now have the image of a very powerful shohin juniper bonsai.

We now just need to let the tree grow and recover from the work we have undertaken. Once we have strong extended growth then we can start to prune the canopy and make the foliage mass even more compact. My student John is doing a good job with this tree and hopefully is now beginning to see the reward for all his hard work.