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Memory Lane – Newstead Two September 2006 – Group Plantings

Looking back….we can tell a tree’s story…..admire an image…..capture a moment…..remember a special event… inspired – to create a memory for tomorrow. 

I hope you enjoy this regular peep into some of John’s bonsai history.

Memory Lane – Newstead Two September 2006 – Group Plantings
In the early days of my bonsai hobby/addiction like most partners my wife got dragged along to every exhibition or nursery visit. Not dragged as in screaming and kicking but generally quite willingly…..after all there are always shops and restaurants near enough to every venue!
In those early days she appreciated the trees but as a general rule was always attracted to the forest or group plantings. I think this is a general trend amongst many exhibition visitors especially the non-bonsai enthusiasts.
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People relate to the group planting almost immediately because they relate to nature and it’s representation in miniature. Many of our individual tree creations often require a greater understanding to be fully appreciated. I have often overheard serious bonsai enthusiasts criticising a tree in an exhibition situation when it is quite clear that they don’t really appreciate what in fact they are looking at.
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Using relatively young material it is often quite easy to create a very mature looking forest in a relatively short space of time whereas the individual tree needs maturity and refinement to have a true wow factor. The inexperienced viewer finds maturity and comfort in a familiar rural scene.
Our Newstead Two Extravaganza in September 2006 contained a good and varied selection of forest plantings and clumps. Different species were used, both conifers and deciduous varieties in varying sizes.
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Some were presented in pots whilst some were on slabs which took that natural landscape quality to another level.
I hope these pictures will serve as a stimulus to some of you to have a go at creating your own bonsai landscape. To those of you who joined us over that weekend I hope this is another nostalgic reminder of a truly memorable bonsai event.
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 Thank you to all those enthusiasts who kindly exhibited their prized possessions bringing moments of pleasure to the visiting bonsai public and those they dragged along with them…….!