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Studio Stories – Larch Forest

Sometimes I work on nursery trees, sometimes I work on client’s trees……and sometimes if I’ve been a really good boy I get to work on my own trees. Hopefully these regular visits will give you an insight into what goes on behind closed doors……….

Studio Stories – Larch Forest

A recent one to one included the creation of a substantial Larch forest. The trees had been grown on for a couple of years to develop fine roots, adjust the trunk heights/thicknesses, and create some branches.

There were 24 to choose from an in the end we used 20. The so-called experts will be quick to jump in and say that this is wrong because it should be an odd number. Presumably these same so called experts will wander around copses and forests in nature counting the number of trees…..i rest my case!

The main trees were selected and then we worked outwards from the middle carefully arranging the trees and the spaces between them. Pruning was carried out as late as possible to both the heights of the trees and the side branches as the trees needed to be in their final position in the group to enable this work to be carried out accurately.

The group has a real natural feel to it enhanced by the space left within the pot. The trees are now sparse but branches will grow quickly and a much more refined image will be obtained in a relatively short space of time. The trees were reduced in height below the finished level to allow more refined tops with finer branches to be grown.

I am pleased with the outcome and look forward to seeing this forest develop in the future.

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