Any questions about booking a course or shopping online? Contact us:   07399 383106

Latest Covid Restrictions

Following the latest government announcements and restrictions I can confirm that for the time being my CLASSES WILL CONTINUE and will continue to follow all the recommended guidelines. If further restrictions are imposed which impact the classes then I will make another announcement in due course if necessary. Look forward to seeing you all. John.

Back to School!!!

Following the latest relaxation of lockdown measures by the government I have decided to reopen my business. From the 1st July I will be available for private tuition classes such as one to one or one to two. You can book these in the normal way by contacting me by email so that we can […]

Michelle’s Problem Pyracantha

This tree was never going to work as a cascade bonsai. We have now started something that can give this tree its own unique character. Moving forwards we can concentrate our efforts on developing the individual trees to truly formulate the feeling of landscape. The rocks themselves are full of character and work well together. […]